
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Church poem

Coming soon is the best weekends
Having fun is cool. I  am joyful
Right not wrong. I love Sunday mornings
Church is special for the greatest of all

Having so much food is my favourite meal, tomorrow morning's is my special school.

Athletic poem

Athletics was fun athletics was cool
Throughout my whole life this was the best trip ever
Hmm the people who came to the athletic was Taijah, Maria, Victoria, Kalo, Nariki, Newsam and others.
Learning some cool skills is my favourite thing.
Everybody cheering and everybody laughing.
Thinking what sports I should do next.
I love my sports and my 1 favourite sport was the 100 meter sprint.

Coming on a very sunny hot day is so sweaty and burning on the end of today.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Best Friends

Fiends are perfect all the time
Right by my side all along
love to help my friends and care for them
Encourage your best friends to play with you
Now we should get to know our friends
Don’t forget your best friends are right there.   


Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Lily and the Snowman

On a Christmas-eve the little girl called Lilly wanted to build a snowman. She was excited, surprised and shocked. Then boom the snowman came to life. The snowman would show her a-lot of shadow-puppets. 

When She got older she started to forget about her snowman that was left in the freezer. She had a hard Job. She was trying to work hard and one day she spilt the coffee because she was too bored and tired.

She  looked  at the snow globe, that  reminded  of the snowman and who used to make shadows together with her. Remembered those days when we use to laugh and giggle.

So she grabbed her keys and  raincoat in a hurry so she could make it to the snowman.  She went to her garage and  pulled all the tools  out of the way so that she could  open the freezer. She looked inside the freezer and lucky he was still there. 

She  remembered all the cool stuff that she and her snowman used to do to make each other laugh and giggle.

Friday, 19 October 2018

My Rose poem

Rose’s are red, rose’s are pink
Other flowers can be blue
Some are pretty because they have beautiful light bright colours
Every rose can be colourful

Image result for rose

Thursday, 18 October 2018

My holiday recount

On Friday the 5th of October 2018 we went to Whakatane for the week to stay with my nana and we went to the Ohope park and went to the beach to go take a swim. Then we went to the McDonald's for lunch. After we went to Kmart.

The pizza hut was yummy and tasty. After that we went to Tauranga to go and get some stuff with my nana. My nana gave us $20 dollars to go get anything we want. I got some shoes and my sisters got some books and colouring colours so my sisters can colour in there pictures from the book.

After that we went to McDonald to go eat for lunch. My sisters had 2 happy meals, my nana had a big combo burger and I had a double cheese burger then we finished off our lunch our nana asked if we wanted to go and play at the park.

After our yummy delicious meal we wanted to go to the park so we went there. My nana said she was just going to go and get some towels so that me and my 2 sisters can go and have a swim. When we finished our play at the park we went to the beach but when we went there we had to go home and see if there's another day to go play at the beach.

It was the best day I have ever had, I wish I could go there again.

Friday, 7 September 2018

My spring poem

Sunshine is bright beautiful and is a good day
Perfect flowers flying through up in the blue sky
Refreshing delightful and warming sun
I hear the rain dripping down the front door
No one Knows that there might be no sun in spring
Grassy green grass growing in the soil
Image result for springImage result for spring

Thursday, 6 September 2018

The Lighthouse

One dark scary night there was an old man who lived in a lighthouse so he could watch the boats before they crashed into the sharp rocks. Everybody who lived in the village were celebrating every night and day.

But then the light had stopped and the people stopped cheering. The old man grabbed his flashlight and ran up the stairs and he went to go check the light, He put his tool box right behind him and he grabbed the light out then he tripped and it gave him a fright. He ran back down the stairs and looked out the window to see if the boat was coming closer.

He ran outside and he got so worried. He saw some light and it was all the people in the village. He had an idea to get the villagers to help him. He saw them with their lanterns. He gave them a big smile and  the boat turned around away from the rocks and all the people cheered.
Image result for lighthouse

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Bunny Rabbit

Bunny Rabbit

When I woke up I hopped to my yummy carrots and hopped to bed. When I eat something you can hear me crunching on it. When I eat I feel funny, hoppy, happy and cute.

After eating I went to go play outside in the forest. After playing in the forest and I got some more carrots so that I don’t get hungry for my lunch. I had carrots and lettuce after that I had a nap in the bush.

After the nap I would play in the long green grass after that I would go for a hop down the long forest so I could go down to the ocean and play again. When I got out I was so soaked up, I went to go back home so I could get dry.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

What makes a good friend

Being a good friend is helping them when there stuck with something. Being kind by showing them how to do things. Don't talk back and don't say put downs to anyone that lost in your team, support them.

Don't make fun of your little ones because they will cry and will make them all feel bad. When you use something you always use your manners and also you look after their property if you have borrowed it.

A really good friend is when you share something, give something and let them play with it. When your friend has no buddy you could go with them and be their buddy. When your friend is getting annoyed you can go and sit on the mat or you could tell the teacher.

Friday, 29 June 2018

The shiny blue cave

One day me and my friend Victoria went to this mysterious cave. We had to walk
to this mysterious cave. We had to take a lot of turnings. We were so hot we took water bottles, shovels, mats and some lunch. Victoria and I took turns holding the bag. We just had to take one more turn and were there.

Finally we made it me and Victoria sat on the chair and had a little break. Then we saw two long brown sticks for us to use and also so we can lean on when we get tired.

Once we got our 2 long brown sticks we found this brown, dusty old map on the dirty floor. We picked it up and it lead us to this blue cave once we got to the blue cave. We saw old rocks, brown sand, white seashells and this beautiful blue waterfall coming down. We took the mat out of the big bag and placed it on the floor so that we can sit on. We took our lunch out of the bag for us to eat. After our 2 minutes of break we packed up our stuff and we walked back to our house.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

my Acrostic poem

Shooting stars shimmering above my head
Planets rotating around each other
And the glowing white moon shining in my eyes.
Craters around the red hot Venus.
Earth has a sister called Venus, also Earth is the beautiful
planet we live on.

Monday, 11 June 2018


In winter I see frost on the green cold grass 
 i see nice tall long and shiny trees 

I could see the beautiful glowing sunlight rising

And I could see the beautiful blue sky.

I feel the cold frozen frosty snow

I hear lovely birds chirping on the big tall trees.

I taste the falling icy snowflake falling on my tongue.

And i smell the cold icy snow coming through my nose.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Rain Dropping

I see rain dropping outside my doorstep

I hear children jumping in the big water puddles

I smell my Mums lovely chicken soup

I feel the wetness soaked into my clothes

And I taste my mums cooked delicious meal

Image result for winter

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

All about ME

Kia orana my name is Taijah my culture is Cook Island and I'm a year 5 student. Welcome to my blog. I am good at playing games and I really enjoy doing my writing, maths and being cybersmart.
My favourite movie is Camp Rock 2. My parents inspire me because they teach me how to be a better person and a good role model. Thank you for visiting my blog and hope you learnt a bit about me.Image result for taijah from glenbrae

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Earth - where we live

Image result for earth next to venus
Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth has gas liquid water on its surface. Earth is the only planet that has life on it out of the whole solar system.

Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system. Earth is coloured as white, blue and green. Earth has day and night because of its rotation around the sun.

Did you know that Earth has a sister called Venus? This is because they are very similar in size. The Earth was formed  4.5 billion years ago.

Earth is the only planet in this solar System not to be called after a Greek God.

Earth is the only one that has life, air, water, food, nature and colour. We are so lucky to live here!

Friday, 25 May 2018

Day and Night

Image result for night and day

Earth is rotating around the sun for 24 hours. When it is
daylight in Auckland, it is night time in England. Half of Earth looking at the sun and the other half is looking at space.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Financial Literacy

This week we had Chris, Lyndsey, Jasmine
and Sasha who came into Room 9 to teach
us about Financial Literacy. The three things we
learned about money was saving, donating and

I really enjoyed the part of borrowing money
because when you borrow someones stuff,
you take it back to its owner in the condition
that you received it.

Thank you PwC, I learnt lots of new things!

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

I am so excited to have moved to a year 5 class. My new teacher is Miss Smith. She is kind and cool. I love coming to school and learning. I am enjoying swimming, KIwi Can and playing with my friends.
