On Friday the 5th of October 2018 we went to Whakatane for the week to stay with my nana and we went to the Ohope park and went to the beach to go take a swim. Then we went to the McDonald's for lunch. After we went to Kmart.
The pizza hut was yummy and tasty. After that we went to Tauranga to go and get some stuff with my nana. My nana gave us $20 dollars to go get anything we want. I got some shoes and my sisters got some books and colouring colours so my sisters can colour in there pictures from the book.
After that we went to McDonald to go eat for lunch. My sisters had 2 happy meals, my nana had a big combo burger and I had a double cheese burger then we finished off our lunch our nana asked if we wanted to go and play at the park.
After our yummy delicious meal we wanted to go to the park so we went there. My nana said she was just going to go and get some towels so that me and my 2 sisters can go and have a swim. When we finished our play at the park we went to the beach but when we went there we had to go home and see if there's another day to go play at the beach.
It was the best day I have ever had, I wish I could go there again.