
Thursday, 6 August 2020

How to make a raised bed

For a 4-by-8-foot bed, you’ll need
 Two 2-by-12 planks, each 8 feet long
 Two 2-by-12 planks, each 4 feet long
12 pieces of rebar, each 2 feet long
 A rubber mallet
 Newspaper or cardboard
 Soil to fill the finished frame
Position your boards.
  1. On a level section of ground, lay the boards down with their inner corners touching.
Prop up the short sides.
  1. Use a piece of rebar at the center of each for temporary support. Next, prop up the second long side and adjust the alignment of your frame as necessary.
Add more support.
  1. Hammer rebar a few inches deep a foot from each corner of the short sides and remove the temporary supports. Add two pieces of rebar 2 feet apart along each long side.
Fill it up.

  1. Line the bottom of your frame with newspaper or cardboard and wet it thoroughly. Finally, fill your bed with soil to within a few inches of the top.
