
Thursday, 9 April 2020


Physical distance-Home learning

Room 10's Google Hangouts

                 Room 10’s Google Hangouts!

During the lockdowns, we have managed to learn from the comfort of our homes through Google Hangouts with some of our classmates from room 10. My classmates were Victoria, Undreanna, Avania, Jasel and more. They were so helpful because we got to talk to each other and tell each other what to do and how they were doing.

I’ve done a lot of work during this lockdown. I was able to  present my writing, maths, reading, inquiry, and art. I've also done some commenting on the Blogs of our buddy class from Pompallier Catholic School and Paroa School. I have also commented on Room 7’s Blogs.

Learning from home was very good because I felt calm and focussed.
I  had some time to edit my  work and I could still see my friends through the Hangout .My friends were able to talk to me and give me feedback on how I was doing. I have felt happy and focused on what I need to do to continue my learning in isolation from home with my whanau and friends.

Be safe! And Happy Easter!

Mother of Dragons-Home learning

Mathematics-Home Learning

Monday, 6 April 2020

Easter art, Home learning

                                                     This is my art work about Easter.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Self Isolation

Washing your hands

The tunnel

This is about a girl finding her way out of the tunnel...

One hour before finding the hoof prints in soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and
occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the
sound, she remained undetected. 

She had stumbled across the mysterious circle in a cleaning in the forest and watched as the deer
approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the circle, and
vanished completely. The girl let out gasp, walked towards to investigate, she put  her hands and then
vanished to another world she gasped like she has never did , once she saw she had vanished to a
different state of the world she fainted. 

When she woke up she was in this house with people talking about her. She didn't even have her stuff
with her,  she thought the people might hurt her. She tried to run for the exit but the people stopped her
from running away. They had shouted ‘’STOP!’’ the girl looked back and said in a shy voice ‘’w-why?’’
they said you might get lost and get hurt so she stayed and she got to know them. There were people
who helped kids or teenagers or even adults. They told the girl all about them. There was a little girl
named Lala and her mum  named Nesha and her friends were named Hunter, Andrew and Tom. They
were very nice people. So the girl stayed for dinner and she told them how she got here and they were
so interested in her story and also sad at the same time.

She told them she had to leave tomorrow, but in the morning to find her way back home. Her parents
were either scared or really worried. The next day the girl woke up really early but so did Hunter so
they both went looking for the girls way back home. Hours later trying to find the circle she came in
they finally found it the girl was really happy and excited to see you parents again she said she is gonna
tell them all about them Hunter was really happy for her he said ‘’Come back and visit us whenever I’ll
be waiting for you’’ ‘’okay’’ the girl replied in a happy voice. Then she went back home to tell her parents
all about her day.

Foods and Equipment in Maori

Foods and Equipment in Maori

foods and equipment in maori

Foods and equipment in Maori

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Taijah's Reading about keeping yourself safe

Reading-home learning

Reading and matching) paragraph 1-

  1. Taking action to make sure people- go home .a
  2. Italy has over 80,000 cases - in the world .h
  3. The most of any country- of infection .d
  4. Not everyone is following - the rules .b
  5. Videos of mayors going - into the streets .g
  6. Telling people to - follow lock-downs .f
  7. Fined for being out without - a good reason .e
  8. Three quarters of the world- is in lock down .c

Paragraph 2-

  1. Posting angry messages- on social media- .g
  2.  He was tired of people- walking dogs- e
  3.  Incontinent - dogs .a
  4.  You are irresponsible- idiots .c
  5. Too many people are still- out and about .h
  6. A world wide trend- of singing .b
  7.  From their- balcony .f
  8. cheer - people up .d

Done and Dusted
