
Thursday, 2 April 2020

Reading-home learning

Reading and matching) paragraph 1-

  1. Taking action to make sure people- go home .a
  2. Italy has over 80,000 cases - in the world .h
  3. The most of any country- of infection .d
  4. Not everyone is following - the rules .b
  5. Videos of mayors going - into the streets .g
  6. Telling people to - follow lock-downs .f
  7. Fined for being out without - a good reason .e
  8. Three quarters of the world- is in lock down .c

Paragraph 2-

  1. Posting angry messages- on social media- .g
  2.  He was tired of people- walking dogs- e
  3.  Incontinent - dogs .a
  4.  You are irresponsible- idiots .c
  5. Too many people are still- out and about .h
  6. A world wide trend- of singing .b
  7.  From their- balcony .f
  8. cheer - people up .d

Done and Dusted

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